West Roosevelt Street, Central City, AZ West Roosevelt Street
En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de West Roosevelt Street: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos
- - 730 m
North 17th Avenue 820 - - 2050 m
- - 114 m
Grand Avenue 1332 - - 969 m
West Linden Street 1831 - - 202 m
Grand Avenue 1506 - - 970 m
North 18th Avenue 1010 - - 856 m
West Linden Street 1745 - - 1718 m
West Roosevelt Street 2131 - - 1816 m
West Roosevelt Street 2211 - - 1487 m
North 21st Avenue 1001 - - 1848 m
North Black Canyon Highway 1001 - - 1517 m
North 21st Avenue 1011 - - 1459 m
North 21st Avenue 1023 - - 1706 m
North 22nd Avenue 1021 - - 1831 m
North 22nd Avenue 1030 - - 1586 m
North 21st Avenue 1025 - - 2085 m
North 1st Street 818
https://www.azmultihousing.org/ - - 1918 m
North Central Avenue 818
https://labphoenix.com/ - - 1337 m
West Roosevelt Street 343
Bankruptcy Filing, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy;AZ Family Law Lawyers, we understand that navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, especially during difficult times such as divorce or child custody battles.
https://arizonazerodownbankruptcy.com/;https://azfamilylawla... - - 1972 m
North 1st Street 924
http://www.rooseveltchurch.org/ - - 942 m
North 7th Avenue 837;849 - - 218 m
Grand Avenue 1312 - - 187 m
Grand Avenue 1316 - - 156 m
North 15th Avenue 906 - - 54 m
Grand Avenue 1340 - - 124 m
North 13th Avenue 834 - - 1012 m
West Roosevelt Street 614 - - 587 m
North 17th Avenue 901 - - 120 m
West Roosevelt Street 1515 - - 244 m
Grand Avenue 1501 - - 162 m
Grand Avenue 1502 - - 667 m
West Roosevelt Street 1702 - - 179 m
Grand Avenue 1504 - - 575 m
West Roosevelt Street 1630 - - 327 m
Grand Avenue 1515 - - 980 m
North 19th Avenue 735 - - 762 m
West Roosevelt Street 1715 - - 1045 m
North 19th Avenue 1001 - - 1093 m
West Linden Street 1839 - - 1092 m
West Linden Street 1841 - - 1796 m
West Roosevelt Street 106
Servicios cercanos a West Roosevelt Street
Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.Automóvil
Centros de Culto
Servicios Públicos
Calles conectadas
Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con West Roosevelt Street- North Black Canyon Highway
- North 22nd Avenue
- North 21st Avenue
- North 19th Avenue
- North 18th Avenue
- North 17th Avenue
- North 16th Avenue
- North 15th Avenue
- Grand Avenue
- North 13th Avenue
- North 12th Avenue
- North 11th Avenue
- North 11th Avenue
- North 10th Avenue
- North 9th Avenue
- North 7th Avenue
- North 6th Avenue
- North 5th Avenue
- North 4th Avenue
- North 3rd Avenue
- North 2nd Avenue
- North 1st Drive
- North 1st Avenue
- North Central Avenue
- East Roosevelt Street